I met my beloved Adora at a spiritual women's retreat called Daughters of the Earth last summer. Since then she's become a great friend, but also is an excellent healer, with a plethora of talents. One time she did a quick session on me for a headache, and within hours it was gone vs a day, as it usually takes to go away. Adora's focus is on meridian energy, and spiritually intuitive healing work which clears, energizes, grounds, and balances ones Qi (life force) to heal many conditions of body, mind, and spirit including: -Stress -Anxiety -Digestive Problems -Women's Health -Headaches and Migraines -Low Energy -Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain -Wrist and Pain -TMJ -Grief Additional Integrative Modalities Include: -Shambala Reiki -Intuitive Energy Work -Crystal Healing -Tui Na (Chinese Medical Massage) -Moxabustion -Shamanic Healing . She also is a Tango dance instructor, which is another form of meditation, and healing modality for clients, and/or her
students. For her complete biography, or to contact her, go to http://www.facebook.com/shiatsu4u, or call her at 413-977-3795.