Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cinnamon and Clove Reflexology Foot Treatment with Head Massage and Facial Steam

What is Reflexology?  Well, according to history, there are different reflex points that connect to different organ systems, and when you stimulate these points, it can ease movement, shift, easing pain.  Things to look forward to in my own session, because this is how I was trained, is not just foot massage, but techniques like wringing, tootsie rolls, lymphatic drainage, stimulating reproductive system, getting inbetween the bones, and tendons on top of feet, using meridian approach, combined with essential oils.  I change the oils according to the season, to accommodate what aids in more healing.  Last few years in winter I add in cinnamon, and clove to aid in better blood flow. You can also experience massage on feet, lower legs, and knees. This season, and few seasons before I've created combo, which is includes Reflexology, Head, Face, Neck, Shoulders, Arms, Hands Massage with a Facial Steam in the winter.