Monday, October 28, 2019

Spiritual Awakening

It happened by accident.  Not that anything ever is an accident, but let's just say, that day friend handed me Be Here Now by Ram Dass, and Linda Goodman's Astrology book.  Yes, opened Be Here Now, and something happened, this was real.  As child I grew up predominantly Baptist, because I was forced to be, because my mom was highly religious, but our church as a young child was not terrible, I enjoyed singing, Sunday School, and what kid doesn't like Easter Egg hunts, but the pain I endured from being fatherless, mother that wasn't supportive, heart surgery, being on my own in my younger years, it was a lot for my tenderness.  You see, I've always been tender, even when I was a rebel, that was just me breaking free from societies ideas of what they believe, think we should be.  At a very young age, I gave up chemicals, and started to understand energy, and by the time I was in my 30's, had enough sense that nothing could save me except yoga, and that's how it happened, love.